This photo feels like a metaphor for writing today

Found out this afternoon that I hadn't got a writing commission I dearly craved. Made the shortlist, didn't make the cut. I can rationalise all I want - great that I made the shortlist, shows I'm in the ballpark, there'll be other gigs, etc. But the stark reality is rejection - and that hurts worse the more you wanted the thing in question.

So right now this photo feels like a pretty good metaphor for writing. Hard, unforgiving, and seemingly impossible to conquer when you're at the bottom. The fact plants and even trees manage to sprout further up shows there is hope, it can be done if you're persistent, have the right stuff and - sometimes - luck is on your side.

I'm not giving up, of course not. Days like today ain't easy but I'll put the world's tiniest violin away, suck up my disappointment and move on by tomorrow. If you can't take rejection, don't be a writer!

And in case anyone is wondering about this craggy rock, it's in Carlops south of Edinburgh. I think there's a legend that locals used to throw suspected witches off the top of it. If the women flew away, they were clearly witches. If not...

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