
By wsjohnson

I'm So Sorry

Due to the disappointing - to the House of Johnson at any rate - results, and after consultations late last night, She would like to express Her sorrow to those of you who shared Her belief in the possibilities yesterday held prior to the morning news.

Was it Milibrand or could it be Cameron is "slicker" than a greasy skid . . . life goes on, life goes on, life goes on

I may not be eligible to vote in Warwickshire (legal resident yes, voter no) but that doesn't squelch or silence my voice. And She, noting my ranting "lunatic unionist" phase when with The Royal Mail, lo those many years back, questioned my decision not to seek a 'pink' passport.

Anywhoo, Hoorah for the advancement of the SNP, perhaps dissolution is the best way forward, then again, I actually believed the "tea leaf readers" yesterday, so what do I know!

Glenlivet please bartender, and make it a double!

Okay, moving on, Yes, that is a tourist center pictured above and yes, it is an open invitation for those of you seeking a week of solace!

(Gawd, it must have been a horrible result if I'm inviting - gasp - tourist!!)


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