
God knows what the world looks like from the point of view of a cat. Makes for an interesting shot though.

Today didn't go entirely to plan but enjoyable nevertheless. Picked up message early this morning from fellow Blipper Blakeney to say he was in town and did I fancy meeting up for a uke strumming session this afternoon. Sure did. It was great! I knew some things he didn't, he knew some things I didn't and we bemoaned the fact that there isn't a decent uke group near where he lives. I was very impressed by the fact that he can sing and play at the same time. I was also impressed by the bottle of brandy he kindly gave us.

Rol seems to have gone down with a dose of man flu so has taken to his bed to listen to the tennis.

A nice - if cold and wet - J free day.

If you fancy having a look at the full set of pics from yesterday's jaunt to Strawberry Fair here they are.

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