

The Kindness of Strangers

This is the title of a book I read a long time ago by war correspondent Kate Adie. I once had the chance to meet her... almost... But she was whisked off to Sarajevo at the last minute...
Nevertheless, tonight's title is for my neighbour. He runs the ironing shop downstairs and I see him most days. So he's not really a stranger, but our interactions are limited to Hellos & Goodbyes. Today on my way out he stopped me and invited me to sit with him, share food and eat together. How could I refuse. He gave me falafel, bread, eggs and cheese. For fifteen minutes we ate, smiled, laughed, and ate some more... He speaks no English, my Arabic is extremely limited. But no words were necessary. It was simply kindness.
I then spent the day by the pool, (sun/swim/study), followed by pizza on Joe & Sarah's balcony... Views of Cairo Tower.
The photo is of their oven. I liked the sunflowers! The pizza was in there cooking...
Returned home to watch the first seat roll in...

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