
By sparks789

Elect this...

Election fever has taken over everything today. Every other building has turned into a polling station, people that can't even write their own name suddenly know everything about how a country should be run and checking in on Facebook to let everyone know they're voting. I know it's important and I voted but not everyone needs to know about it.

We didn't get out of bed until 10.45 today- then we went shopping and for lunch. We then got a text from my aunt- who we were meant to be house sitting for next week- she said not to worry as my uncle is too ill to fly... This was then followed by- can we take my nan and brother up tomorrow and wouldn't give us a reason. Yes we may be going up for doughnuts and a chat. We may also be going up to see to my uncle. Watch this space and I bloody hope we're eating doughnuts!

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