
By FrankS

Welcome Home Emma

Jubilee weekend day 2 - and it rained all day, not only here but also on the Thames Pageant apparently - "don't rain on my parade".

The big news today is nothing to do with the Queen, but closer to home, literally - today Emma and Ryan arrived back in the UK at the end of their around the world tour.

They flew into Heathrow from Los Angeles then caught the bus up to Warwick Parkway where we met them. As can be seen from the photo, Emma is less than impressed with the weather that greeted her at Warwick. Still she was pleased to see us, and we were very pleased to see her.

So it was back to ours for a warming cup of tea and a sandwich. This was accompanied by an epic photo slide show on the TV around the world. All the photos were great, the New Zealand section being particularly impressive.

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