Maule Monument

Up early this morning for work at 5am but managed to get back for another hours kip before taking Mrs P to work and heading off up the hills with Pesky Princess as planned.

Headed up to Glen Esk, and walked up Hill of Rowan to the Panmure Maule Monument and took some shots before having to rush back down and pick up #1 Son from Scout Camp at 12.

It was pretty hard going getting up the top as I seem to have hurt my foot yesterday doing the gardening, either that or its gout, and Pesky was moaning that it was too far, she was too tired etc etc, but once she got to the top her tune changed and the walk back down was very enjoyable. The things we will do for a blip!

Will return some day when I know the weather is going to be better and i can get some sunrise or sunset shots. Will need to buy a new pair of walking boots through as my old trusty pair burst on the way back down :(

Couldn't make my mind up which version I preferred, this B&W one, or the colour alternative, so put the colour one on flickr and the B&W here.


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