Life is a Minestrone !!

By bererunner


Sam continues to visit every evening.  Now that the clocks have changed and the nights are drawing out, her arrival time is getting a little later every week. We're still giving her a couple of pouches of food along with dry food. If she's still hungry after finishing her two bowls of food, we usually give her a peanut butter and honey sandwich.
Although her nipples are still easily seen, she hasn't gained a great deal of weight, so I doubt she'll be having any cubs of her own, but she may be helping another vixen raise her cubs.
After "Michael J" suddenly stopped coming to the garden on Boxing Day last year, it's nice to have a resident fox in the garden again, there have been a couple of new foxes in the garden over the last couple of weeks or so, which has led to a few scuffles as they all try to stake their claim to the garden.
Sam, is really quite small, but she has no fear of foxes larger than herself, when they're trying to get to the bowl of food.
I'm not sure what the life expectancy is of a rural fox, but I hope Sam will be with us for some time to come.


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