Mr Houdini !!!!!

I had a shift this morning at the Wildlife Hospital. When I arrived my first thought was we had been broken into....There was stuff everywhere-instruments etc all over floor...such a mess. Then  saw a large box waiting to be picked up, to go to our Raptor Centre for soft recovery. A small post-it on top told me there was a Little Owl inside...... no...he had got out somehow (leaving door shut after him!!!) and had created mayhem through the night. I didn't think such a small bird could poop so much!!!!! So the search started- I found him behind the microwave, on top of the frig.  Looking so innocent as I picked him up and returned him to his box.  such a cutie....he had been  hit by a car, but seemed unscathed. So will go to the Recovery Centre for a short while.

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