B mused

By becah

Just when...

....I was missing Mr C I spotted this chap. It's like they were separated at birth or something!

My rant from a couple of days ago has calmed down considerably, but if you're interested -Wagamama at Brayford Quay - went in, it was busy (although upstairs and outside not in use) and was greeted straight away and the waitress said we'd get a table in a moment as two were just paying. We were seated at the window crammed in between two other tables in very wobbly chairs, but there was no other option so we stayed. We were told that 'Tom' would be over to take a drinks order. Drinks order was taken (a large bottle of beer to share) and brought back. The glasses were utterly and very obviously filthy. They both had that white beer scum on them and actually looked like they had just been lifted off a dirty table and given to us! I waited 5 mins for Tom to come and take our food order and to tell him to change the glasses, but this didn't happen. So I took the glasses up to the serving station and the girl apologised and handed over another two DIRTY glasses! These looked liked there had been some attempt made to clean them, but only an attempt and a very poor one at that! I showed her and asked for another two glasses and these were BROKEN, CHIPPED and STILL DIRTY!! At this point I put the glasses down and left. I saw Tom on the way out and told him that I was leaving because the place was absolutely filthy! His response, a friendly, 'oh, okay then'.


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