There must be easier ways of having a wash!!

…….but we don’t want to know.

This is Lottie & Pippa reporting today, in a “be kind to G’ma mood”.

Since Mum (R) and G’dad (B) have been indisposed she has been doing our walks and feeding us. The walk this morning was a bit wet and Lottie didn’t come back when she was called. We were almost home when she came bounding down the field as though there was plenty of time.

After we got home G’ma changed from the drowned rat look in to a respectable looking lady with posh clothes and went off with G’dad to speak to a lady about their new jobs. (“Just a few hours and not very demanding”, so we hear. Wonder if we will get any treats out of it?)

Much later they came back, talking about the new things that they had collected for their house. G’ma changed in to her scruffy clothes and took us for another walk, we didn’t get wet this time, only blown about.  Mum was home from work when we got back and she fed us!!!

Mum and G’dad are feeling a bit better, so they had a happy teatime catching up on the news. We listened quietly and heard that "Ernie" has paid for the last lot of paint and someone wants G’dad & G’ma’s old house. We don’t understand any of this, as we are only dogs!!

We are off to bed now and they have gone to sleep in the new house, ready for an early start on the painting tomorrow. We did offer to help, but were told that this would be a disaster!! So we will just sleep all day....a dog's life isn't too bad :0)


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