Was It Really So Long Ago

By LincolnGreen

The Fat Cow!

Today is the first day of the holidays. Away from it all in Dorset, just along the road from River Cottage HQ is a beautiful spot where we're sharing a house with Beloved's family.

The trouble with 'away from it all' places in the South West is the great big expanse of car park between us and it. Yes, you've guessed it, the M25 was predictably slow, but which way round would be the lesser of the painful options? Go north and avoid the bridge, save 5 miles but run the gauntlet of Heathrow? Or south with the bridge, it's tolls, queues and who knows what else?

The travel app and the kids agreed, turn right at J28 and go North. About 3 days (or it might have been hours, no I'm sure it was days) later, we made it to J15. Needing petrol and food Beloved googled the phone and we found the Fat Cow in Denham, Uxbridge, it's fabulous food and real ale. From hell to paradise in 5 minutes seems like a short journey, but it was true.

Fully fed and watered, the rest of the journey was reasonably uneventful, the children were really well behaved and we eventually relaxed at Long Hill with a drink or two.

I hope you like it.

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