A Blip from the Bus Stop

The blustery weather, need to cart large bags of stuff into work and feeling wimpy has meant the bike has stayed warm and dry the last couple of days whilst I've been shivering at the bus stop first thing.  When I drew the curtains this morning the golden hour was at its best and a rainbow fell straight down into the village below with the dark showery sky behind.  Needless to say by the time I had found the window key and located the camera.......it had all turned to grey.

So this is a blip from the bus stop, of our house on our street.  The building in the foreground is the old village Sunday School, built by subscription with villagers paying for a brick...or two.  Our elderly neighbour was forever rightly angry that somehow a building which belonged to the village should end up in private hands, as it has been a house for many years now.

Thank you for the kind comments on my iron levels yesterday.  I couldn't get an appointment today....don't get me started on 'the system' at the surgery!!  Apparently if I sit on the phone from eight every morning I may stand a chance one day of getting an appt, otherwise the end of May is my first opportunity!  What are all those politicians promising about the NHS?

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