The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

A little navel gazing ..

Mum was very slow when I went into her this morning .. she gradually perked up and by mid-morning she seemed fine.

I took her temperature, always being on the alert for UTIs .. it was OKish, but needs keeping an eye on. 

However, after lunch I thought she looked a bit 'concerned'. I asked if she was OK and she started on one of her peculiar rambles. I always try to get to the bottom of these episodes and must learn not to bother, but to try some sort of distraction technique.

Attempting to get at reasons for unreasonable thoughts is a pointless task, which always ends up with me being the villain and getting increasingly wound up.

She said she thought everything had been fine but it obviously wasn't any more .. (?)  When pushed she said it was me - I was the problem ... of course I then dig more, get more frustrated and a little upset and wounded  (as these are all the odd ramblings of someone with dementia) and mum's original point almost becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.

So after a while I had to get out of the house .. took a photo of a little egret .. and returned home, where of course mum is perfectly fine and happy to see me, having completely forgotten the earlier episode which I'd spent the last two hours brooding on.

I expect that makes no sense at all - but I've got it off my chest now  :\

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