From Cymbeline

By Cymbeline

Cheque it out!

Tonight was the official opening of the Family First Credit Union taking up premises in our offices.  We were approached by Family and another financial institution almost on the same week, but the Family First were our choice and it's been a real pleasure welcoming them into our space.

It's a great fit and we're excited - their staff are a pleasure and we couldn't be happier.  On the left from FF is Louise, James and Dale.

Community is at the core of what we do and tonight Family First presented cheques to hard working and deserving community groups, from left to right -

Blackheath Football Club - Pam D'arcy

Blackheath Area Men's Shed - Peter McNeill

Blackheath Phoenix Choir - Robert Smith

Blackheath Streetscape Group - Simon Hare

Kinship@xmas - Roxanne Wilshire

Blackheath Philosophy Forum - Peter Baldwin

Blackheath History Forum (came late for photo and therefore absent - Gary Werskey)

Roxanne was so impressive - 250 people fed last christmas and 80 volunteers.  More things in the pipeline to be organised.  

All these people are treasures, but Roxanne is a standout.

Thank you to Family First for being an important part of our community.

We love community.

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