The Menagerie

Genus: Homo-sapiens
Subgenus: Homo-teenagius
Natural habitat: Bedroom
Distinctive behaviour: prolonged sleep, tendency to mark territory with discarded possessions (cf Extra Photo)
Distinctive vocalisations: "Whatever!" "Huh!"

"In this cage we see a typical example of what the human teenager engaged in the standard 'zone out' ritual common to all specemins of this breed. Having successfully convinced her father to defecit finance a new digital music playing device, the teenager left evidence here of entering a semi-transcendental state as the music "blows her mind." If you look carefully, you may just be able to see the male homo-parentus nursing his wallet and inwardly debating whether he should risk upsetting the delicate equilibrium of their current relationship by asking for interest on the repayment fee. Field studies into such cases suggest that this would be extremely unlikely. The female of this species always holds the upper hand in matters of finance."

Ladies and gentlemen, you have just entered ...... the Twilight Zone.

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