Yummy in the sunny

Today was simply stunning.  Sunny, hot and blue.  Full on early summer. May it last. Pun intended. Temperatures around 25ºC I suppose, uncomfortably warm in the full sun with not a cloud in the intense blue sky .... one of those days when it is criminal to be indoors.   Fortunately, this afternoon I didn't have to be, as outside, in our amphitheatre style forum the Parents Association held the annual "Spring Bazaar".  One stall each year is Murat's Farm Shop.  Murat (the chap trying to exit the photo) graduated in '07, and after getting his degree, set up his own family business, seeking and selling healthy lifestyle foodstuffs, with the slogan “local food that benefits the body and the mind”.  Dried goods - fruit, herbs that taste and smell like nothing you will find anywhere else; sun-dried tomatoes in olive oil, almonds still in their shells; lemons so sweet you eat them like an orange; extra extra virgin oil from southern Turkey that transforms your salad dressing and olive bread dip; apple cider vinegar; home bottled pickles, green olives, black olives and best of all, real "free range" - as in clucking hens running round the garden - eggs.  With no lesson to teach, Koray, Deniz (music teachers) and I were there for ages, sampling all the wonderful foodstuffs in the lovely afternoon sunshine and I bought so much that Koray had to help me carry it all home!  Murat has a 'pick your own' day in June for his ex-teachers -we have a charabang to the farm.  I intend to go this year :)  See his website here, and although it is written in Turkish, the photographs say it all.

off to Konak Terrace for 'fish night' for more yums to close this splendiferously simple but beautiful day.  

Extra: Mr Blue Sky - walking to work this morning - this is Gould Hall.  Too stunning not to remember in my journal and on any other day would have been my blip. 

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