
5years 193days

I love when homework involves baking!!

We had a lovely, steady but busy day today. We were at the pool by 9, having already done reading and piano. She did brilliant swimming and great progress on her diving. It was pouring with rain when we came out. I took her to go buy new bike helmets and new running shoes for her. She now has some extremely pink new nikes which we will break in before next weeks race. We headed for home and she devoured some new soup we tried. Bright green but very successful! Pea, leek and potato plus ham for her. She did the writing up of her recipe before did the baking and photography for the instructions. Time for a chill out with Mrs Doubtfire and a selection of yummy treats. Even when it was a very small bag of haribo from a party, she was adamant all should be shared. More reading at bedtime and great big sleepy snuggles all round!

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