East Grinstead May Day Fair.

We've had a lovely lazy Bank Holiday day today - (apart from my early report writing for 2 hours before Mr W got up).

We had a wander up into town to see what was going on at the May Day Fair. I bought some pretty cards for my Daughters who are both having a bit of a tough time. Daughter Number 2 made a tough decision to end her relationship with her boyfriend last night. She's very sad but feels is the right thing to do. She's also feeling a bit lost having just finished Uni with no job to go to. Daughter Number 1 is thinking along the same lines with her boyfriend, sadly, and has her last exam of her first year at uni tomorrow.

After a little bit of gardening this afternoon we are now settled in front of the TV for the evening.

Thrilled with the name choice for the new Princess announced today. Although I would have liked the name Sophie after my daughter, Charlotte is actually her second name, after my sister Charlotte!!!

Right, one more report to get on with before work tomorrow.

PS. Mr W can be spotted right in the middle of this blip enjoying a bacon butty. He said he couldn't smile with a mouthful of food! !!!

xXx ♡ xXx

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