All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

The Flying Knight

I think I overdid it yesterday and was exhausted today. However it was too nice a day to spend all day indoors, so after taking Grandpa to the station, then an early lunch, we drove over to Loch Leven. At least that was the plan. However Hubble rejected my offer of a postcode, saying he'd already found it on the sat nav. What I didn't realise was he'd programmed in Leven which is actually miles away from Loch Leven - grrrr!

We finally made it there, only to be told the boat crossings had been cancelled cos it was too windy! There hardly seemed to be a wind at all though and after a quick sword fight with Ethan, we realised they were starting them up again, so we got to go after all.

Was a bit disappointed with the castle as there was less to see and wander round than I thought. Plus thousands of midgies everywhere which were impossible to avoid. Still, at least the sun shone all day!

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