
I see a slim dolphin balancing a ball - there's my imagination for you.  

Tonight at Focus we had a creative fun night - set up five different stations around the room, lots of fun and everyone had such fun and went home with some images that they normally wouldn't have an opportunity to do.

The water drop station was a hit, so I waited patiently until near the end of the evening to have a go - thanks timguru, you did a fine job.  My other one is using a light box - I tried to get creative with the simple golden kiwi fruit.

We said our farewells to my Aunty Dorie (my mums sister) almost 101 years - a super service, lots of laughs and memories.  She bought up 6 children and outlived two of the six and her husband.  A stoic strong amazing women.

Well its almost 11 pm - bed beckons.


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