Running races

The day after the day after the day before.

Still feeling pretty proud of myself for managing to become so completely and utterly addicted to this blipping lark. Still taking photographs, but blipping for me is ever evolving. I want to record life. My life, I suppose, and therefore the boys' lives too, and Steve. I am getting rather hooked onto instagram by which its very name suggests instant gratification, taking snaps, editing them with various apps, uploading and tagging (yes I'm learning about tagging!). Instant love. A handful of followers. Careful not to give away too much about myself or our location. Just curiosity being shared. Loving writing here on blip. I probably share far too much. But it's a personal diary I guess, just made public...

These days most of my pictures, if we are out, are taken on my phone. Little snapshots of life as we go through it. The time I really wanted to capture today, in the cafe, I was too covered in gummed sticky ginger cookieness and holding a sticky baby to even think about picking up my phone for a shot! Charley still managed to swipe the phone with a gummy sticky biscuity hand...

Anyway. Today. Woke up so happy!! No idea why. A song in my heart and a spring in my step. Nipped to the pharmacy for my needles after breakfast and fell in love with some black and red spiderweb design sunglasses for Ben, who instantly fell in love with them!

Swimming for the boys in the morning, home via the supermarket where I had to show the lady on the checkout Ben's new sunglasses, a picnic lunch in the living room, and an afternoon in town to buy swim goggles for Ben (What's the matter, Ben? I don't know what's the matter mummy. I don't like going under the water. We said we'd get you some swim goggles, didn't we? For me to see! Yes, for you to see under the water. Mummy I'm sad, because I don't have swim goggles. Shall we go find you some today? Yes please mummy!), and new trainers for Steve.

Man-shoe shopping is a form of torture for me. We went into one store and I could feel myself starting to hyperventilate. Dreadful dreadful places. But we managed to get the swim goggles there at least. I had to acquire a pair of very short hot orange denim shorts to make me feel better after that. And they still cost less than the trainers that we bought at another store. How do they do it? How can one place be so awful to look round that you're constantly losing your bearings and getting lost because it's so overcrowded, a light flickering somewhere, air conditioning blasting noisily. All things that make my brain shut down, that make me unable to think of much except how the heck do I get out of here?? And then, the other shop, like shoe porn!! Shoes to drool over, that whisper seductively, touch me. And, they had the right shoes for Steve. Should've gone in there first. Still needed a cup of tea after that!

Went to the cafe (the one with the cakes) and Ben instantly charmed an older couple while I told Steve what biscuit I wanted with my pot of tea. Charley gave a friend from church who we saw in there a great big smile, and Ben got to show off his swooshy shoes - he still loves his swooshy shoes! Home via the beach, running races along the prom, collecting yet more stones (You can have one stone, Ben. Why do you have four stones in your hands? But this one is mummy's, this one is yours, this one is mine. I only have one stone. What's that fourth stone then? This is a key, daddy. To unlock the stones. Of course it is...).

Homemade pizza for tea watching The Voice, and watching Ben dancing while we spoke into invisible microphones, and then bedtime! Lying here yawning, listening to the patter of rain outside, thinking how grateful the garden will be for that.

Wonder how wet the Jubilee Bank Holiday weekend will be! Still, we've had some fabulous weather really last month eh :)

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