
By KirstyHalbert

Bluebell Wood.

When I was seven, my family relocated from sunny Grimsby to a little village called Sicklinghall, near Wetherby in Yorkshire. One of the first things we discovered was a walk not far from the house that took us to a large, circular fenced-off wood (probably very private, but when you're seven, you don't care). At certain times of the year, the whole forest turned into a carpet of bluebells, and I remember just thinking it was magical.

This bluebell was considerably more lonely than those in Yorkshire, but just as pretty and delicate. This one was in the woods behind A's house in Inchmarlo, the same place as my Blip from last week.

I did a bit of a tidy this morning, and made a chocolate cake to take with me to A's. I've got a new trick: I make a cake of regular diameter, but only a couple of centimetres thick. When it's baked, I then cut the sponge in half and put icing on one half. I then stick the other half on top, and voilà (or viola, as I used to say when I was little)... Half a regular sized chocolate cake! If I can't eat the whole thing, it totally counts as a diet cake :)

When I got to Banchory, we had a nice chilled day just relaxing until little Fin went to bed. I made us a tasty veggie curry, and after tea we started on A's list of chores:

1) Put a cabin hook on Bella the bunny's shed... This involved much swearing at the drill, one battered finger and a screw whose groove was almost completely gone by the time we'd got it in. Despite there being 8 screws in the bag, we only used 4... Any more than that would have been too traumatic. Unfortunately when we finished, I swung the door shut and pushed the hook into the loop... And locked us both in the shed. We'd made it a little tight.

2) Flushing a potential Queen bee out from the pile of hedge clippings in the garden... After seeing it fly in, A and I attacked it with a rake and a pitchfork respectively. Cue two terrified screams 30 seconds later as a MASSIVE huge large quite big buzzing thing flew past my left ear.

3) Painting one of the walls in the living room red... Well, A is currently doing that herself as I lazily sit on Blip, watching QI. Hmm, perhaps I should go make us a cup of coffee...

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