Nearly Full Moon.....Snakes .... Flood Waters.....

..Rainbows and Lovely cloudy skies.

We tried to make it up the coast this afternoon. However half way up we came across the most humungous puddle and what was once farm lands have become the most beautiful and reflective lakes.
We could of made it ......just .....but decided to turn back and head back toward home. I was so happy to see the rainbows ...gentle and tenuous colour in the was worth the trip.

We drove back down to Brunswick Heads just in time to see the full moon make its way up into the pretty pastel blue and pink sky...and looking North and South all was misty and soft..the lighthouse was not visible.

Flynn found a snake in our garden this afternoon....(not a particularly nasty one)......he/she was sunning him/herself just out side of my office...I guess its starting to get cold for them now...and they are drinking up the last warm rays of the sun before hibernation.

I am really surprised that damage seems minimal since the big storm.....from my reckoning anyway....I know Byron Bay went under...but then it always does as they have such drainage problems there.....however I haven't checked our beach yet....perhaps tomorrow.

“So when the moon's only partly full, you only feel a little wolfy?" 
"You could say that."
"Well, you can go ahead and hang your head out the car window if you feel like it."
"I'm a werewolf, not a golden retriever.” 
Cassandra Clare

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