
By Jeanie53

An incident in the theatre .

Went to see 'Close the Coal House Door' this afternoon at the Yvonne Arnaud Theatre, Guildford directed by Sam West. It's a play written by Alan Plater in 1968 and has been updated by Lee Hall.

Well, ten minutes or so in and all was going well when the actor who was speaking ( a few rungs up a ladder!) suddenly stopped speaking ( was this part of the play ?) moved down the ladder a step and fell, lifeless to the floor ( was this part of the play?) - members of the cast moved towards him (no , this was not part of the play ) and a fellow actor told us that 'Chris' had hurt his leg the day before, thought he could get through the show but , obviously, he had been in so much pain that he had blacked out. The safety curtain came down (see blip) but we could hear the poor guy's heavy breathing . Not very long afterwards we heard an ambulance! Poor , poor guy.

The play did go on you will be pleased to know with Sam West reading the part. BTW, a joke from the play 'Man goes to the doctor and says 'I've got a bit of a problem with my penis. ' Doctor asks why. 'Well, it's shaped like a rocket !' Doc has a look and says 'Mmm you're right. What does your wife think about it ?' And the man says 'Well she's over the moon !'

Good play, v well done and with v talented actors. Congrats all round and good luck to the poor guy in hospital. Provided me with a blip (see blip) too.

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