
By Mover

What is the Name of the River?

Mrs Mover believes that every river should be addressed by name, and to make this easier every bridge crossing a river should be adorned with the river's name. Somerset County Council is particularly good at this and every river on the M5 seems to have its own motorway sign. One of my favourites is the River Parrett which despite the spelling always reminds me of parrot stories like this one.

'In the 1920s at a parrot show in Manchester the talking powers of each bird were made the subject of a prize competition. Several of the birds had exhibited their powers, and at last the cover was removed from the cage of a grey parrot, who at once exclaimed, on seeing the company to which he was suddenly introduced, "By 'eck, what a lot of parrots, " an observation which won him first prize at once.'

Blip number 100

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