Covered in Bees

By PaulFS


...the nature of the universe and the role of the horse in the 'big' cosmic picture.

I let this magnificent creature consider his thoughts for awhile as I gazed at the soulful, wise eye (I could only see one at this angle), trying to tune into those thoughts that might bring answers to eternal questions. For surely man and horse have relied on each other through history ever since history began, and this bond of trust could bring a bond of thoughts?

Time passed and clouds rolled over, and still the horse considered, until eventually I could wait no longer. As horses have endless patience, humans do not, hence the equidae ~ Homo sapiens balance.

I said; "What is it oh horse of wisdom and knowledge? What is your place in the universe and how do I find mine?"

"Huh?", he replied, "How the bloody hell should I know? I'm a horse!"

And he bowed down to munch a buttercup.

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