The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

A Magical Moment :)

I went out for my afternoon jaunt and saw a few hares here and there. Usually they either hunker down out of sight when I stop, or run off at speed - but this chap came towards me .. and kept coming :)

This shot is barely edited - and not cropped at all!

I was quite moved until the lady who runs the Hare Preservation Trust pointed out that hares have a large blind spot directly in front of them, so he probably hadn't even seen me!

So much for magic moments!

I also received two copies of this lovely book today. It's written by Jane Russ, the aforementioned lady from HPT .. and the photo of the running hare is mine!

It's a gorgeous book - you can buy it here if you love hares as much as I do - it raises money for the trust, too! 

I'm struggling to find a link that works! Select HPT items from the menu along the top, then scroll down to the fourth item!

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