Vamos Theatre Company

We saw “Nursing Lives” at the Rhodes (theatre) in Bishop’s Stortford this evening. I’m ashamed to say that this is the first time we have been there in the 27yrs that we have lived I the area.

We saw the initial production of Nursing Lives about 5 years ago and this reworked production is equally superb.  The actors wear masks and obviously don’t speak, but there is background music. This is a masterpiece in non-verbal communication, without changing facial expression.  Brilliant!! 

The story is based on the history of Worcester Royal Infirmary, my old training school. I knew the “Sister” character, she was Minnie Martin who terrified the life out of me as a student, but was a wonderful nurse.  Any nurse who trained in one of the “old” hospitals up until the 1980’s will recognise the setting and the life at that time.

The audience was a mixture of ages and as I left a school age young man in front of me commented on how brilliant it had been. So it appeals to others who do not have the sentimental attachment to the place and time that I do!!

The show is still touring so may be at at a theatre near you.

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