
By SherriM

Peace and the (almost) Full Moon

20/365 - I'm thankful today that my son and I share a love of photography, and he's invited me to join him in a May photo-a-day challenge he found on Pinterest.  I'm going to do my best to combine this new challenge with my #365grateful project.

It was 1045pm here when we decided to do this, so not much time to get May 1st done, and the subject is 'peace'.   There is the loveliest moon shining bright tonight, and a quick google search revealed that there is indeed a connection between a full moon and peace!  I had no idea, I was grasping for straws!

Anyway, even though It's not quite full (that will be on the 3rd), it's close enough on such short notice.

Oh, and the connection?  It seems there is a call for meditation/prayer for peace on the full moon of each month.  It is believed by this group that:

"...the moon itself doesn’t have much influence on creating this Energetic Cycle, “It is the fully-lighted orb of the moon which indicates a free and unimpeded alignment between our planet and the sun, the Solar Center, (which is) the Energy Source for all life on Earth. At such times we can make a definite approach to God, the Creator, the center of life and intelligence.”

Therefore Full Moon has always been a sacred time for Spiritual Practices in many ancient religions and cultures. In fact it is believed that Full Moon is both a time of Crisis and a time of Opportunity.

Because of its Magnifying Effects on Earth and all People, it has been observed by generations that whatever activity is being done during the Full Moon, will be magnified in effect and intensity."

Interestingly enough, the meditation is based on the prayer of St. Francis of Assisi. And who can argue with that?

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