May Challenge....... read a book!!! Most of you won't appreciate quite what a challenge it is!!
As a child I used to 'get into trouble' for chasing the mobile library around to change a book. "You have to change it at the same place!!!" But I read so quickly! I would hide in or behind my parents wardrobe to read (busy, noisy house!!!!) and easily read. book in a day. I couldn't wait a week for the library to visit again!!!

Advance 10 years.....very unwell.....concentration span of a fish.....can't sit still to read.
Advance another 15 years......ZQ time to read (although I did read 5 books
on holiday when he was 1 year old!!) Eight years later Noo comes along and I definitely don't have time to read!! He's 3 now, however, and I need to 'find' my old self! I still have poor concentration so, even if I find time, it will be a challenge to sit and read! But I'm giving it a go.....

Hard day today in so many ways, but it's almost over :-)

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