Sitting Comfortably, Deer?

Of all the things I expected to see today, this was not one of them! This very laid back deer was relaxing on the sofa in an auction house visited by my friend L and I this afternoon:-)

It was a busy day.  First to Carnoustie to have my hair cut, then collect my friend L and go for a" fish & chips in the car" lunch at Arbroath Harbour and later, on to Montrose to visit the auction house to check out some chairs for L's son and daughter-in-law.

The chairs were not suitable, but it was great fun looking at all the different lots for sale at tomorrow's auction.  I've never been to a live auction before - only seen them on TV - and I'm very tempted to go back tomorrow to see if this fellow sold!

The threatened heavy rain never happened and it was a gloriously sunny drive there and back, although still cold in the wind.  Hope it stays nice for everyone with plans for the Bank Holiday weekend:-)

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