
By Appreciation


I had this walk planned for over a week and it was only this morning that I thought about taking my big camera.  If I had been thinking more clearly I would have brought a filter too.  But taking my camera was enough for today.  A glorious walk with Carol.  She commented on how funny it was that she spent her youth around this reservoir and that it was now one of my favourite places.  She had a story of youth at every turn, it was lovely to hear.  She and I talk so freely and nothing remains unsaid.  I walked away feeling brighter and lighter, I hope she did too.

Later another walk with Nicola.  This was a lightweight walk which involved sitting in the glorious sun (still freezing mind) and drinking tea for half the time.  Still another lovely catch up.

My boy had a walk today, a walk I imagine he spent dreading coming to an end.  He says it wasn't so bad.  It's a start, but who knows when he might take the trip again?

On the way home I bought some Brownies for us to enjoy.  After I paid I cursed my indulgence as the 2 slices cost me £7.  Alas they were worth every flipping penny.  I have no problem paying for quality, its that fact that they were so good that concerns me - I will have to go back to get more!!!!

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