Bluebell Avenue
I think after this morning I am all bluebelled out!
I was up very early (5.30 am) to sing madrigals in Berkhamsted with a group from my choir. We first had to climb to the top of St Peter's Church tower and encountered a delay as a door on the ascent was locked.... someone rushed to find a key! The morning was chilly but fine, although most of our madrigal books bear evidence of rain in past years and the singing was good and fun!
I have added an extra couple of images - one of me in my pathetic hat and one of anther choir member in a splendiferous hat..... we all have to wear decorated hats!Our audience on the green at the bottom of the tower were appreciative of our efforts and we had breakfast in The Old Courthouse afterwards. I was heading back home before 8 o'clock!
As it was good light I diverted via the Ashridge Estate to see the bluebell situation. Dockey's Wood is a popular place for bluebell photography and there was definite sprinkling of backpacks and tripods! I looked hard for that elusive perfect bluebell shot with little, well actually no success, but it didn't stop me giving it a go. This particular wood is a riot of blue but it's still hard to make a photograph of what my eyes see. Has anyone got the secret or is it like the Holy Grail? My best attempts were with me flat on the ground again attempting a path disappearing off and a good bluebell or two in the foreground!
Warning: Soapbox Moment
We have a camera club competition next week for a CD Cover. We have known about this since the beginning of the season but only in the past couple of weeks have we been sent templates that we must use. Irritating at this late stage but I coped by positioning the text where it was appropriate for the images I had taken. This morning I discover that we MUST use these without any alterations whatsoever - not even repositioning the wording! I had a Drama Queen moment or two! Toys out of the pram.... etc! With such rigorous constraints I strongly feel we should have had the templates at the start. One image I had specifically set up and taken for this competition I now cannot use because the word placings in all the template options are not right for the that image! I just hope the judge is told about this rule as I will be steaming angry if someone wins by breaking the rule!
Next week's Widwed challenge will be the theme of Time -tag widwed10. My hearts this week go to:
Black Tulip, (even though she 'didn't read the instructions!'),
Please promote the challenge amongst your followers!
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