
By lucia13

Is there some room for me?

This lovely mummy duck  has 11 chicks under her feathers it is incredible how they all manage to get there. This little one was the last and the mother made some room for him.  It was amazing watching them for a while.
I went swimming thinking I will be better now but really my back is getting worse and I have a lot of pain by now. I just took some painkillers . We will go to go to London in one hour. My husband just arrived now fron the shool and he will drive hinself affter a litle rest so I can relax a litle bit and rest in the car . I hope I will be a little better tomorrow for the party .
Thanks a lot for the visit and have a nice weekend everybody. Hope I put a big smile in your face with my little chick waiting for some room.  Still I am smiling when I look at the picture. It is getting cold again.

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