May Day

May Day in centre of the city of Tampere. The main street is closed and almost all the people have day off, walking there. Well of course some do work in bank holidays - in hospitals, restaurants and in media.

Hubby is one of them, working today (in Ice Hockey World Championchips), so we made a great breakfast with all kind of May Day delicates. After our "master in working at all bank holidays" left for work, me & teens left for picnic to the central park by the Tammerkoski rapids (two additional shots from there) with the rest of the family. Some donuts and bisquits with a bottle of cider.

+15c, lovely, partly sunny day.
Decided to blip SP today. The white hat is traditionally used in May Day, a sign of graduated high school (also some other secondary degree level have traditional hats )...

Hyvää Wappua!
Have a happy May Day!

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