CannyScot's Day

By CannyScot

Lifeboat Station and Castle

A dull overcast day with a chill wind.

Spent some time this morning sorting out photos I had converted from slides. Afterwards we went down to Broughty Ferry so that Eleanor could buy some shoes. Down at the front we noticed that the flag was at half mast. A passing volunteer Lifeboatman told us it was because the father of the Society's Chairman had died yesterday.

As an extra photo I have included a view from the same spot but looking towards Dundee Harbour with a large Oil Rig in for repair.

Although the River Tay is beautiful, the Firth can be dangerous and this Lifeboat Station is very busy throughout the year. Their job is made more difficult because of the number of people who jump off the nearby Bridge.

Trusting you all have a good weekend.

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