Pomp & Circumstance

My model most certainly realizes the importance of this day. She has managed to look her most studious and scholarly, if not a bit tired after all her years of extensive model training. Her five year course of study has been very thorough, rigorous and Raspberry's painstaking attention to task has paid off with highest graduating honors. No slapdash appearances are ever tolerated, she's a professional from tail to whiskers.  She has upheld the strictest standards and fulfilled all the selective acceptance requirements expected of her. 

Raspberry's first professional appearance was met with high praise and she and I look forward to her continued and advanced study in one of her chosen fields, professional modeling. She adds this accomplishment to her long list of favorites which include home economics, and all things food. An ultimate foodie, she has published a well reviewed cookbook and is currently working on another. When not in the kitchen or in front of mama's cameras, she enjoys bird watching and sleeping.

Out-take from rehearsal last evening. The congrats box is apparently for $ envelopes. I opened it to put her mortar board in(she's in love with the tassel) and once she realized it opened, she was hard at the task.

Five years, 1825 days of consecutive blipping, with not even one backblip. I could wax on, but you all know what this daily journal journey means to me. I have the gift of time to enjoy all my experiences here, the amazing photography, the sharing, the global wonders seen each day. Thank you all and longlive Blipfoto!

For the Record,
This day came in dark and cold, not much light available for the shots I wanted. We plan to celebrate the Blip Anniversary with dinner and maybe a drive south to Cape Cod tomorrow. Raspberry has celebrated already, with cheese AND butter.

Off to the painting studio soon.

All hands healing.

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