...wORds bE fEW

By tnahlyn

Rise Up

Just the 4 of us 'girls' (I use the term loosely as some of us are OLD) went to Viejas, a local mall/casino.

Tips for a great nite out:

Watch out for the gravel in the Torta. Ow, my tooth. Get that torta on the house.

Domo got an angry face.

Raising your arms heavenward, brings positive results.

Know your hook-ups! Free is always good!!!

Bowling is not that easy with spinning lights and music videos.
But it is a lot of fun!!

Sometimes you put a $5 in a machine and you get back $40. That was LUCKY LUCY...homey don't play that!

You have to be at least 21 to go to the DreamCatcher Lounge.

The V-Lounge is free, 18 and up and the cover band was great.

Always sing along with the band, it encourages them.

Old people can dance, just don't wear a rug, it is obvious.

Coil spring shoes, that is a new fashion statement on the dance floor.

Don't laugh at the guy with the long blonde hair and the brown goatee, tie-dyed shirt, swim trunks and mandals. (sandals for men) I know he drove a VW van, I just know it!!!

Do order the Chili-Cheese Fries.

When leaving the lounge, make sure your entire party is with you.

Don't laugh with a full bladder.

Keep an eye out for stalkers.

Walk faster than the guy with the long blonde hair and the brown goatee.

Don't think you are safer in the women's restroom.

Survey the area as you leave the restroom.

If long blondie goatee guy is still waiting for you after you have spent 10 minutes in the restroom, walk straight to a security guard.

Watch him follow. REALLY???

BUSTED dude!

Leave blondie goatee with a pissed off tribal police officer.

Do take the personal escort to your vehicle by the tribal police! They were great!!!

Laugh your head off all the way home!!!!

A couple more from the night!

Arriving home at 1am...........priceless!!!

Thanks Sis for setting it up, ANOTHER MEMORY!!!

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