Dramatic Clouds over Little Man

A different world today.

I walked up to Skiddaw this morning.  Very steep on the first part of the walk - I have to say the contour lines are a bit closer than Dartmoor! I could see clouds blowing across the top and I hoped they would clear by the time I got up there.

As got to the snow the clouds just got thicker and I couldn't see anything for some time but about 500 metres from Skiddaw it started to clear.  I sat  on top and had a sandwich before returning. Just after I started the walk back the most incredible wind developed.  So strong it was blowing up the settled snow.  It wasn't actually snowing but it felt like I was in a blizzard.  Fortunately it didn't last too long.  

The dramatic cloud in this image over Little Man is the cloud which caused the strong winds. Worth looking large.  You can just see Keswick and Derwent Water below on the right.  It all made for an exhilarating walk!  A few more in extras and on flickr

Many thanks for your comments and hearts on yesterdays blip - I hope to catch up with comments later today.

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