Return to the North

By Viking

The wild west

The last few days have been the Wild West in more than one way! The wind has been phenomenal over the last couple of days. Now I love the wind so I'm not complaining but it does make for interesting times with kids! (oh and flying stubbiness etc) 
There are also certain characteristics of the Western Southland community that are a bit like the wild west too! 
This morning I had a 2.5 hour meeting in Orepuki and as I drove down one of the streets (the main one in fact) this was the sight that greeted me. It was one of several derelict buildings on the main street. Such a shame but really does make it feel like a very poor and neglected area.

I have added a brighter shot of Riverton harbour as an extra.

Last night I went to bed with the same headache as I woke up with which  was pretty horrible. I was therefore immensely pleased when I didn't wake up with it this morning. In fact I felt remarkably fresh (well i did at 4.30 when I first got up) During the day I have been blowing hot and cold so I suspect the headache was the precursor to a proper dose of the lurgy. Still I live in hope that it is something in nothing. I have the weekend to blob and sweat whatever it is out

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