Within every silver lining...
... is a big black rain cloud.
Today dawned bright and breezy, and stayed that way right until 2 ish. Right until we stepped out of the car for a nice long walk at Flotterstone in the Pentlands. Typical.
The kids were surprisingly stoic about it all. I think they're just getting used to walking in the rain. I did particularly feel for Conor who didn't complain at all even though when we arrived at Mr B's parents I had to wring most of that day's rainfall out of the little fella's socks.
The walk was to run the energy out of the kids so we could have a nice calm family dinner with Mr and Mrs B senior. We went over to Swanston and had a really good meal and the kids mostly held it together. I've known Mr B's folks for over 10 years now, but still feel a constant need to prove myself to them. It's really the only time I get anxious about having the kids behave really nicely. I know that says more about me than anyone else, but I just felt like sharing that with you all.
Anyway, the sun burst through a few times on our walk. Here's one of the times. Made all the cold and wind and rain worthwhile. Just.
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