
I remembered to put the clock back last night .............. yippee

Headed over to the parents house this morning and started to sort out garage (well...glorified car port since there is no front door on it).
The next big job in there is to dismantle and remove an old reinforced concrete coal bunker and take the double Belfast sink to the Wicked Witches house.
Weight is the main problem with these jobs so I need lots of help and transport suitable for the job.

We also emptied the kitchen in preperation for the new one going in.
Bit of a marathon.

In the afternoon we headed off to visit Mum in hospital.

Jeez what a trip.

More road closures and diversions that take you to major roadworks with their own diversions.

An hour to go about 7 or 8 miles.......................nightmare.

Another week and Mum should be able to walk to this point, turn right, get into the lift and leave the building.
She is rather apprehensive about it. She said today that she is worried about dying at home alone. We have told her that wont happen.

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