The Green Grass of Home

By aCaseiro

Crab Spider (Thomisidae) Synema Globosum - female

very common around here these days.. so far I found them with the abdomen yellow, brown, orange, white... 
never found the most attractive varieties (legs and head white and somewhat transparent)

These spiders dont make webs... they sit in a flower and wait for something to land....
They are shy and always try to hide underneath the petals but if they are eating an insect they will not go anywhere, and even if molested they always come back to get her prey again... mind you, they can sit in a flower for weeks without a catch... so they will not give up easy of their food.. after reading that fact I gained another respect for them and I try to don't disturb them (much)  if they are eating...

Ps.. this one was not eating   :)

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