Stupid or what!

Look carefully at this picture especially at the second pole from the right and you can just about see a wee toddler. His hapless mother was sitting half way down on the opposite side,(the same side as me) yet her bratty spawn was running rampant where he could have got into all sorts of trouble, not least the steep stair, etc. Was she bovered! No. She called, nae whispered his name which in the noisy confines of the museum, he hadn't a cat in Hells chance of hearing. However if God forbid something were to happen to **#*ing Torquil it would be everyone's fault but hers.
Other than that, my morning was spent in the relaxed company of lovely fellow blipper Lady Findhorn. Good chat and good company. Now to face the hordes of ankle snappers I have to show round this place.

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