The life & times of Jacks

By Jacqueline


It is really really cold at the moment. What happened to that beautiful summer time???

I met my friend Kirsten for dinner this evening.

As I was on my way I was accosted (well stopped and given quite a surprise) by N's brother in law who happened to be in London for a conference. I think before her wedding on Saturday the last time I saw N's brother in law was when she qualified as a police officer years ago! You don't generally expect to bump into people in London so when it happens it always a surprise!

Anyways onto Iberica for dinner where we enjoyed a lot of chat, lovely tapas and some wine. I tried this Torrija dessert which was rather yum - bread soaked in baileys with a red wine/ chocolate dressing.

Now I am on a very very very packed train from euston home bounds. Reminds me what I don't miss with my commute to London daily!

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