The weather seems to have taken a bit of a downturn today. It's much cooler, breezy and keeps going cloudy. Fortunately I managed to catch a sunny interval when I went out to get my Blip!
The Clematis overhanging the wall of a house down the street is the only thing I took photos of today, - I didn't want to venture too far afield as it kept looking like it may rain!
Minstrel seems to keep forgetting that he is, in fact, litter-trained and has been peeing and shitting where he wants. So I've been googling how to deal with this, scrubbing floors and other things, and sorting out his litter tray! Things may improve once he's neutered - we will be discussing that with the Vet on Saturday. (Minstrel may have already have heard us discuss the N word between ourselves, and this "dirty protest" may be a direct consequence of that!)
Something else I did today was a workout - I want to get fitter again. I am back at basic beginner level of course. It is much easier to get out of condition than get into it!
Work could be interesting tonight as two of my colleagues were behaving like spoilt kids at the weekend - one more than the other, and the boss was getting stressed! Much as I wouldn't mind a few extra hours, I don't want to be there every hour again like I was in my last workplace!
Just realised I Blipped the very same plant exactly a year ago!!!
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