
These tiny spiders have been busy. They've strung eensy weensy trapeze cables to straddle the quarter inch chasms between flower spikes. It is dangerous work and only the most brave, athletic and skilled spiders get to do it. They also do it secretively and then they disappear. Case in point: one always sees the cob web but never the spider.

Another immensely gorgeous day but I decided to spare the neighborhood the sight of the cutting-edge fashion plate that is me, gardening: open-toe Crocs with white socks (to keep my feet cool and so I don't tan polka dots on my feet- still can't get a shoe on over the bum big toe) capri pants and long sleeve shirt so my arms don't burn and a hat that could double as a life raft should the need arise.

As if Facebook wasn't already creepy, invasive and irritating enough.

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