Water's Edge

Turnstones and an oystercatcher spotted at the water's edge this morning. They were enjoying the sun between the sleety showers!

The bay is busy with birds at the moment, lots of eider ducks pairing up and having lots of noisy squabbles which involve much splashing and charging at each other, trying to drive opponents away!

Appointment with the surgeon this morning to see what he thought about my wrist and thumb.  He suggested an operation, this Thursday! He'll do it under local anaesthetic, so at least I won't have to starve beforehand!

On the drive into Kirkwall you could see the hills of Hoy and Orphir white with snow, but luckily none was lying at ground level.  We do expect some at this time of the year, traditionally called the Lambing Snow, but it always comes as a bit of a shock to the system.

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