
By Negativewaves

Why the artillery?

When we go reenacting at various places along the East Coast, we are asked an extremely wide array of questions.  For the record, there are such things as dumb questions.  “Are you hot?” is a perfect example of a dumb question.  It is 97 degrees, we are wearing wool pants, a long sleeve cotton shirt, and a thick wool coat, figure it out.  A question that I also seem to get pretty regularly is why I chose to enlist in the artillery.  In all honesty, it wasn’t really the first choice.  Five years ago when I decided to begin reenacting, I approached a local Confederate dismounted cavalry unit.  Since I wasn’t 16 and couldn’t legally use a gun during a reenactment, they really didn’t have a use for me.  It was then that I was directed to a Federal artillery unit.  They have tons of jobs not only for adults but also for youths.  The artillery is also the cheapest branch of service that one can reenact with.  Once you have you uniform and a canteen, you are basically ready to go.  Anything else is just extra and can be purchased at your leisure.  So for me, the artillery was the best choice.  Since I turned 16, I have also volunteered with various different units at different events.

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